
Easy Decorating Ideas For Living Rooms

Thinking about finding decorating ideas for living rooms can be pretty scary. All of a sudden, you find yourself in front of an ocean of possibilities, furniture, colours, and you feel lost, hopeless. If you want to avoid feeling this way, forget about what you see for a moment and concentrate of what you want and on who you are.

In other words, stop trying to figure out what to do with the furniture that you already own and start asking yourself: "where do I want to live? What kind of emotions do I want to meet every time I step into this room? And why do I need this room, how am I going to use it?". You don't have to find an answer for all this questions right away. Actually, trying to answer them all is way less helpful than letting them linger for a while. As always, in fact, asking the right questions are more important than finding the right answers.

Look carefully at the pictures in this page, for instance, and you'll start understanding some of the directions you might want to take. Let your imagination run, don't worry about boundaries or obstacles, because if you really manage to follow your feelings and your creativity, everything else will be just a series of practical considerations.

Remember, you are trying to figure out what kind of "living" room you want… LIVING. This is will be the room that defines the shape of the best part of the social encounters that will happen in your house. This room should "live", it should feel easy to decode, not because your turned it into an ode to minimalism, but because it should have a clear purpose and a well defined style: your style!

Forget about rules and templates. Get inspired by our examples, of course, but in the end remember that what will happen in your house should really be the results of your own choices, a mirror of your personality and taste. You will be the one who will LIVE in your living room.

Warmth and colours, a simple, modern living room.

 Classy and elegant… and yet, far from complicated!

 Push the countryside, make it modern and post-modern.

 Plants can turn your living room upside down.

 There is nothing wrong with the classic. Why not using flowers?

 Wood can turn your living room into something that smells like business.

 Remember, even the paintings you choose can make the room.

 Butterflies, flowers… bring the life of nature in your living room.

 Black, white and unexpected. A blend of surfaces and styles, something unique like you.

 When art enters every little detail, colours dance and your style is born.

 It feels warm, it feels like home. Maybe it's a little crowded in here, but in the end, this is your life.

 Clean, cozy and romantic. Beauty can be simple, don't you think?

 Pure class, almost aristocratic. Fresh flowers and cleanliness.

 With the right pattern, you room come to life.

 Light, sometimes that's all you need. Yes, all you need is light.

 White walls, white candles. A soft touch, something that feels like summer and wind.

 Keep it organised, and you'll have a wonderful room where you can study and have a cup of tea.

 Don't forget your pets! And let the light come in. It will feel like home.

 Yellow and green, purple and black… a wonderful LIVING room.

 You can use whatever you want, even sea shells: whatever it takes to make this room YOUR room.

 Remember, play with your space, use your geometric skills if you need to. Don't be afraid to dare.

 You make your own rules.

 Symmetry sometimes is all you need to feel organised and balanced.

 The perfect room for a tea with you girlfriends. Don't you think?

 Classy and comfy. Can you really ask for more?

 Unexpected, almost post-modern… and still, so warm.

 Play with the furniture: don't follow the rules, change the rules.

 Break the boundaries, bring the outside in your room, and you can still keep your space clean.

 When the post-industrial becomes pure-fashion.

 A wonderful composition, perfectly balanced. Pure harmony.

 It feels like Christmas… doesn't it? It is all a matter of choices.

 Christmas with a modern touch.

 Once again, you can let the outside work in, if you want to. It can be beautiful and unexpected.

 It's all about flowers and colours, once again.

 A living room can say so much about who you really are.

 Bright and shining, a living room that screams "LIFE… LIFE!"

 You can even live in a room that feels like an art-gallery, if that's what you want.

 Art and colours. Living rooms can become a real stage.

 Once again, symmetry makes the space. And it feels so good.

 Even if you live in the city, you can still have a living room that says "Merry Christmas!".

 Do you have an open space? It certainly doesn't have to feel empty and cold, don't you think?

 And if you are an anthropologist, the living room can be so interesting.

 Remember, consider what you have, re-think the way your room looks like… find the balance.

 If you have a wonderful fireplace, follow its style, and turn the living room into a masterpiece.

 Play with images and visual quotations. It will be fun!

 Soft and colourful. Is this who you are?

 Once again, art is the protagonist. Your room can be strange and different. Something people will certainly remember.

 Candles and plants can really make the difference.

 This is so, so Christmas.

 If you have a plan, it won't feel crowded. It will just fell like… "WOW".

 And don't forget about how important a wall can be.

 As I said before… don't forget about the wall.

 Aristocratic and still welcoming.

 Don't be afraid to use your cultural heritage, it will help your imagination and your room will be fantastic.

 Just an example of how vibrant a living room can be.

Easy Decorating Ideas For Living Rooms


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