
What Animals Have The Most Human Eyes

According to scientists, eyes evolved around 540 million years ago equally elementary light-detecting organs. Today, vision is the most important sense for many animals, humans included, and they have become incredibly varied and circuitous. Take a expect at some of the strangest and most incredible eyes in the animal kingdom.

 Wp-Content Uploads 2007 08 Tarsier

The tarsier is a pocket-size (about squirrel-sized) nocturnal primate found in the rainforests of South-Eastern asia. It is the simply fully predatory primate in the earth, feeding on lizards and insects, and is even known to catch birds in mid-flying. Still, its most remarkable feature is its enormous optics, the largest of any mammal relative to trunk size. If your eyes were proportionally as big equally those of the tarsier, they would be the size of grapefruits. These enormous optics are fixed in the skull and can't turn in their sockets. To compensate for this, the tarsier has a very flexible neck and tin can rotate its head 180 degrees, just like an owl, to scan for potential casualty or predators.

With each heart weighing more than its brain, the tarsier has extremely acute eyesight and superb nighttime vision; information technology has even been suggested that they may be able to run into ultraviolet calorie-free. On the other hand, they seem to have very poor color vision, as is the case with many nocturnal animals (including business firm cats and owls, for example).


Chameleons are famous for their ability to modify colour, which helps them communicate and limited their intentions or mood to other chameleons (only a few species use color-changing as cover-up). These lizards as well have very unusual eyes; their eyelids are fused and cover almost the unabridged eyeball, except for a small-scale hole to let the pupil meet through. Each heart can be moved independently from the other and so that the chameleon can scan for prey and potential threats at the same time. This also means that the chameleon has a full 360-degree field of vision.

When the chameleon sees a potential prey (usually an insect, although the largest species are known to devour mice and other small vertebrates), it focuses both optics in the same direction, gaining stereoscopic vision—very important if we consider that the chameleon captures casualty by shooting out its tongue at high speed, a technique that requires a very precise distance and depth perception. Chameleons have very precipitous eyesight, being able to see an insect several meters away, and just like the tarsier, they can see ultraviolet light.

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The dragonfly, possibly the most formidable aeriform hunter among insects, also has some of the well-nigh amazing optics in the animate being world. They are so big that they embrace almost the unabridged caput, giving it a helmeted appearance and a full 360-caste field of vision. These optics are made up of 30,000 visual units called ommatidia, each containing a lens and a serial of lite-sensitive cells. Their eyesight is superb; they can detect colors and polarized light and are particularly sensitive to movement, allowing them to quickly discover any potential prey or enemy.

Some dragonfly species that hunt at dusk can see perfectly in depression light conditions when humans tin barely see anything. Non simply that, but dragonflies also have three smaller eyes called ocelli which tin can discover movement faster than the huge chemical compound optics can. These ocelli quickly send visual data to the dragonflies' motor centers, allowing it to react in a fraction of a second and possibly explaining the insect'due south formidable acrobatic skills. Although dragonflies are not the only insects with ocelli (some wasps and flies have them, too), they do have the most adult ones.

A304 Giant Leaf-Tailed Gecko

Leaf-tailed Geckos have pretty surreal-looking eyes; their pupils are vertical and accept a series of "pinholes" which widen at night, allowing these lizards to pick up equally much light as possible. These eyes besides have many more calorie-free-sensitive cells than human optics, giving the beast the ability to detect objects and even to see colors at night.

To give you an idea of the gecko'southward amazing dark vision, let u.s. simply say that, while cats and sharks tin see six and ten times improve than humans, respectively, the Leaf-Tailed Gecko and other nocturnal gecko species tin run across up to 350 times better than nosotros can in dim light! Leaf-tailed Geckos also take a series of strange, intricate eye patterns, which provide camouflage. These lizards lack eyelids; a transparent membrane protects their eyes, and geckos are often seen cleaning this membrane with their tongue.


Not to be confused with the better known but smaller Behemothic Squid, the Jumbo Squid is the largest invertebrate known to scientific discipline. Information technology also has the largest eyes in the creature kingdom. Each of the Jumbo Squid's optics can be up to 30 cm beyond, bigger than a dinner plate, and having a lens the size of an orange. These huge eyes allow the squid to see in dim light atmospheric condition, very useful for an animate being that spends most of its time hunting at 2000 meters below the surface.

It must be mentioned that merely sub-adult Colossal Squids have been captured and studied thus far; full-grown Colossal Squids may grow up to 15 meters long. These giants would accept fifty-fifty bigger optics. Dissimilar the Giant Squid, the Colossal Squid has stereoscopic vision, having a greater ability to judge distances. Even more amazing, each centre has a built-in "headlight," an organ known as a photophore, which can produce light so that whenever the Jumbo Squid focuses its optics to the forepart, the photophores produce enough light for the squid to see its casualty in the dark.

The Behemothic Guitarfish is named for its rather guitar-like shape—the creature looks a fleck similar a ray stuck to the front of a shark. But that'south not the oddest thing about this fish. Behemothic Guitarfish don't accept eyelids, and instead, they've adult i powerful muscle to pull their eyes dorsum into their head. The Giant Guitarfish can retract its eyeballs nearly 1.6 inches back into its head, most every bit far every bit the bore of the eyeball itself.

These sea creatures hunt for prey, like crabs and small fish, in the sandy bottoms of tropical oceans. So, when thrashing casualty kicks sand or bits of coral at it, the Behemothic Guitarfish can protect itself. As alien as it sounds, other animals can retract their eyeballs as well. Frogs can retract them about half the bore of the eyeball, the second most impressive altitude measured later the guitarfish. Surprisingly, you tin can too retract your eyeballs when yous close your optics, but it's only almost 0.04 inches.


These small only spectacular creatures are by and large plant in the jungles of South East Asia and Africa, with a few species besides found in Europe and North America. They become their proper name from the long projections from the sides of the caput with the optics and antennae at the cease. Male flies usually have much longer stalks than females, and it has been confirmed that females prefer males with long eyestalks. Males during the mating season often stand confront to confront and mensurate their eyestalk's length; the one with the greatest "centre span" is recognized as the winner.

Male person Stem-eyed flies too have the extraordinary ability to enlarge their eyestalks by ingesting air through their mouth and pumping it through ducts in the caput to the eyestalks. They do this mostly during mating season. Here's an amazing video of the male stalk eyed fly, newly emerged from its cocoon, actively enlarging his eyestalks:

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The Spookfish is a deep-water, ghostly-looking fish with some of the most bizarre eye structures known to science. Each eye has a lateral swelling called a diverticulum, separated from the main eye past a septum. While the main part of the eye has a lens and functions similarly to other beast eyes, the diverticulum has a curved, composite mirror equanimous of many layers of what seems to be guanine crystals. This "mirror" is far superior at gathering low-cal than the normal center as the diverticulum reflects low-cal and focuses it onto the retina, allowing the fish to encounter both up at down at the same fourth dimension.

The spookfish is the merely vertebrate known to use a mirror eye structure and the usual lens to meet. Spookfish are found worldwide just are rare to run across since they spend most of their lives at a depth of 1000-2000 meters. They feed on pocket-sized crustaceans and plankton and measure about xviii cm in length.

Ogre-Faced Spider FaceSpiders are popularly known for having many eyes (although this varies greatly amid the different species, with some having 2, four, six, or eight optics). The Ogre-faced spider has vi eyes, simply it looks as if it only had two because the eye pair is greatly enlarged. This is an adaptation for a nocturnal lifestyle. Ogre-faced Spiders accept superb night vision not only because of their huge optics but as well because of an extremely light-sensitive layer of cells roofing them.

This membrane is so sensitive, in fact, that it is destroyed at dawn, and a new one is produced every night. Ogre-faced Spiders are unusual because they can see perfectly at night fifty-fifty though they lack a tapetum lucidum, a cogitating membrane that helps other spiders (and other predators such as cats) see in low-light conditions. Every bit a matter of fact, scientists believe that Ogre-faced Spiders have better night vision than cats, sharks, or even owls (which can see up to 100 times meliorate than humans at night!).


And finally, we go to the animal with the weirdest and almost astonishing eyes in the world. The Mantis Shrimp is not actually a shrimp only a different kind of crustacean from the Stomatopoda club. Known for their aggressiveness and formidable weaponry (they have an extremely precipitous and powerful hook and can separate a human finger in two or even break a drinking glass aquarium with i single strike), Mantis Shrimp are voracious predators found by and large in tropical waters.

Their eyes are chemical compound, like those of the dragonfly, although they take a far smaller number of ommatidia (virtually x.000 per eye). However, in the Mantis Shrimp, each ommatidia row has a detail function. For example, some of them are used to detect lite, others to find color, etc.

Mantis Shrimp have much better color vision than humans (their eyes accept 12 types of colour receptors, whereas humans have simply three) and ultraviolet, infrared, and polarized calorie-free vision, thus having the most complex eyesight of whatever animate being known. The eyes are located at the finish of stalks and tin can be moved independently from each other, rotating up to 70 degrees. Interestingly, the visual data is processed by the eyes themselves, non the encephalon.

Even more than bizarre, each Mantis Shrimp'due south eyes are divided into iii sections, allowing the creature to encounter objects with three different parts of the same eye. In other words, each middle has "trinocular vision" and consummate depth perception, meaning that if a Mantis Shrimp lost an eye, its remaining centre would still be able to judge depth and distance as well as a human with his two eyes. Scientists are merely starting to sympathise the mysteries of Stomatopod vision. For the moment, we can only imagine what the world really looks like to a Mantis Shrimp.


Trilobites were one of the most successful animal groups of all fourth dimension, thriving for almost 300 1000000 years before dinosaurs appeared on Earth. Although some species were eyeless, most of them had compound eyes like to those of insects. The weird thing well-nigh trilobite optics is that their lenses were fabricated of inorganic calcite crystal, a mineral that is also the main component of limestone and chalk. In its purest form, calcite is articulate, thus being an acceptable if unorthodox material for an center lens.

These crystal eyes are unique to trilobites, with the compound eyes of mod invertebrates being made of chitin, an organic substance. Due to their unusual composition, trilobite eyes were completely rigid and could not be adjusted to focus. Instead, the trilobite corrected its focus with an internal eye machinery that solved any potential problems caused by the mineral lens and gave the trilobite such skillful vision that it could keep both shut and distant objects in focus at the same time.

As if that wasn't bizarre plenty, some trilobites had really weird-looking optics. A few had their eyes at the end of long projections, just like the Stem-eyed Fly, while others had overhanging "eyeshades" on top of the center, protecting it from vivid sunlight. Being made of calcite, trilobite eyes are fossilized easily, and therefore we probably know more about trilobite eyes and vision than those of whatever other prehistoric creature.


Nosotros all imagine pupils to be circular—equally they are the type we come across well-nigh often (on humans)—but goats (and about other animals with hooves) have horizontal slits, which are well-nigh rectangular when dilated. This gives goats vision covering 320–340 degrees. This means they tin can run across nigh all around them without moving (humans have vision roofing 160–210 degrees). Consequently, animals with rectangular eyes tin see ameliorate at night due to having larger pupils that can be closed more tightly during the day to restrict light. Interestingly, octopuses also have rectangular pupils. [Courtesy of 10 Weird and Wonderful Oddities of Nature]


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